United Way of Summit County earns fourth consecutive 4-star rating from Charity Navigator

Jun 21, 2017

United Way of Summit County has earned Charity Navigator’s exclusive 4-star rating for demonstrating strong financial performance and a commitment to accountability and transparency. This marks the organization’s fourth consecutive year receiving Charity Navigator’s highest possible rating – a distinction shared by only 11 percent of evaluated charities.

Charity Navigator is dedicated to accentuating the work of efficient and transparent nonprofit organizations. It aims to provide donors with essential information to give them greater confidence in both the charitable decisions that they make and the nonprofit sector.

Charity Navigator’s coveted 4-star rating is awarded only to organizations that exceed industry standards and outperform most charities in their area of work – a distinction United Way of Summit County is proud to have earned every year since 2013.

“This recognition comes at a watershed moment for United Way,” said United Way of Summit County president and CEO, Jim Mullen. “In April, we announced four Bold Goals for 2025 that will guide our mission and, when achieved, will radically improve living conditions for tens of thousands of families across Summit County.”

“As United Way heads in this ambitious new direction it is critical that our stakeholders can trust our dedication to maintaining the highest level of accountability and transparency,” he added.

In its ratings communication to United Way of Summit County, Charity Navigator praised the organization for adhering to industry best practices and executing its mission in a financially efficient way. It added, “This exceptional designation from Charity Navigator sets United Way of Summit County apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness.”

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