During the summer of 2019, Patrick and his wife Maria turned to the Financial Empowerment Center in Akron for financial coaching after relocating to Ohio. Due to job interruptions from some health issues, the family has ongoing challenges like catching up on bills and paying them on time. Lisa, their financial coach has been able to teach Patrick the basic skills he needs to achieve financial stability for his family.
In working together Lisa says, “I think the largest thing that I offer is emotional support and accountability. There are times when he needs courage to make calls, so we’ll do them together.” This is just one small example of the caring assistance the FEC provides. Lisa has helped Patrick utilize whatever resources are available including rent and utility assistance through Summit County Cares and free tax prep services through our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
Patrick continues working with Lisa on his goals. He would like to refinance his car for more affordable payments and maintain a better credit score. He even had his newly employed 16-year-old son sit down with Phillip, another financial coach to ask some financial questions of his own.